Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Singapore 17/4/07-23/4/07

Raffles Hotel
Well we had a big going away party in Kent, where far too much alcohol was drunk but alot of fun was had. We got to say bye to family, friends and my beloved car too!

After a 12hour fight we arrived in Singapore, it was very hot and humid. We stayed in the Summer View hotel, we had the smallest room in the world and in the middle of the night it sounded like a truck was driving through our bedroom!!! After speaking to reception they kindly moved us to a much bigger and quieter room thankfully.

We did loads of stuff in the few days that we were in Singapore. We had a trip around the city on the hop on hop off bus tour, went to Singapore zoo, the night safari, Sentosa Island, the science centre and we even drunk Singapore slings in the long bar at Raffles Hotel. We had fun but it was so humid I dont think we will go there again.


sharon said...

looks lovely just cna't wait to see thsi for ourselves

sheila said...

Did you feel, like we did, that singapore is only worth one visit. It is much of a muchly, the problem is they tear down the old to create the new and that leaves it very clinical. We also visited the zoo but we travelled around at a rate of knots with a tour guide!

sharon said...

nan says you look like you are having a lovely time why don't you come back and visit out local beaches sheerness dungerness canvey island there just as nice.

sharon said...

house has lovely views want to swap. it a shame they took away the peach curtains i feel you did not protest enough im sure you could have kept them for 20 dollars more on your rent a week

Unknown said...

Hello family folk in Austraaaalia!

How's it all going? Looks fabulous if you ask me! Glad that you've found a couple of things to do so you're not bored at the weekends!
I've still not totally figured out the time difference thing but will call more often when I get my head 'round it!

Everyone misses you loads but we know you're having a great time so it's ok.

Be good

lots of love
Kelly & Rob

PS If the landlord doesn't want those peach curtains anymore do you think he could send them to us? They'd look great with our new purple carpets and brown wallpaper. Put in a good word for us eh?