Monday, August 20, 2007

Fun times

As usual we have been busy bees so not much time to keep the blog updated. We have done a variety of things recently, so where to start. Well the big event of the month has to be Ned and Janae from neighbours visiting the Queen Street Mall in Brisbane. As you can imagine Garry was very impressed being dragged to see them - although all I can say is he complained the whole of the cue but when we got to them he jumped up there for his picture (what more can I say). Personnaly I thought it was really cool meeting some of the neighbours crew as I am a massive fan.

Ned and Janae

After all the excitement of meeting some of the neighbours cast we decided to spend a day riding rollercoasters are favourite past time. After spending two weeks in Florida in Nov you would have thought that we had enough but nope. We went to Movie world on the Goldcoast which is a smallish park with not very many rides but a good day anyway. The best ride was the superman one which shot you around really fast it was cool. As you can see from the photos the weather was shocking!

Movie world

Superman Ride

Brisbane has an agricultral show for a week every year called the EKKA, it is a really big thing they even get a public holiday which is known as peoples day. We didnt go on peoples day as thought it might be a bit busy. A friend of a friend was over from the UK so we showed him the sights of Brisbane - took him fishing and too EKKA. They have this weird thing that they all go to the EKKA for showbags, these are like promotional bags for different companies that you have to pay for!!!! (strange) but it is a massive thing to go to EKKA and get a showbag. They are usually around about $15-30!?! It is also a tradition to have a dagward dog - this is a deepfired (battered) hotdog on a stick that you are supposed to dip in ketchup. Unfortunatly I did not try one! There were lots of animals and a massive fair it was quite a good day out.

Sleepy goat at EKKA


Ed and Garry fishing

Sunset (always have to have one!)

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